Under Fire - Unity Game

  This game is an old one. I made this back in high school around early 2016 using clear inspiration from UNDERTALE. This is an arcade style game made for my high school's annual celebration where all the students showed off their talent. Since my prime specialty for this magnet school was information technology, everyone in that prime made at least one arcade game by themselves. I actually made two games this year. The first one I made was a 3D game I didn't think was very good. So instead of trying to work more on that doomed game, I made Under Fire. I made this game at school in about a week or two. Every game that we made was put in a competition against each other for the best game. This game got top spot that year by a long shot. I was proud of that.

  Now however, I wasn't sure if I wanted to put it here. Now I can see so many flaws that I could've fixed. I now find this game kind of embarrassing. I decided to make it public as a reminder to how far I've come. There are so many things I know I could've done better. Currently it doesn't have a clear indicator when you get hit, the controls could be made tighter, and I was lazy with some of the bullet patterns. I spent at most around 20 hours total on this game with no outside play testing, but I have since learned things I would've done better just at first glance.

  I think this mostly represents my past skill as a designer and how much I've learned. This game is personal to my development and I how much better I am now.

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